Play Area at Dillichip

Hawthorn Heights Ltd were successful in the tender competition for the Design and Construction of a new play area, outdoor gym and bespoke BMX Pump Track at Dillichip Park for West Dunbartonshire Council to meet the recreation needs of the local children. The works comprised of the design and construction of a new teenagers play area including the design, supply and installation of outdoor play equipment.
Dillichip Park is located in the Bonhill area of Alexandria, Scotland. It contained large open areas of greenspace, an internal path network, a grass sports pitch and no play equipment. The new park required for an innovative design and build scheme which contained a range of equipment that can be flexibly and is aimed towards the teenage age group. Various forms of public consultation where carried out in relation to this project. This involved consultation with pupils from the local secondary schools and consultation with young people involved in local youth groups and the Boys Brigade. The results of this consultation identified an assault course, parkour equipment, gym equipment, a zip line and a pump track as the most desired equipment.
Hawthorn Heights designed and completed the works to the highest standard and to the client’s satisfaction by providing all of the desired equipment identified including an 125m tarmac pump track. This park has proved to be a great success with the local community and as seen in the video below has been very busy.